
Time matters and ACS is your specialist for worldwide same day logistics and emergency logistics.

From supply shortage causing production downtime with a production line stoppage to the need of a confidential document delivered to your contractual partner in person to a crucial spare part needed to repair a damaged aircraft or ship, our team allow us to fulfill the need of extremely urgent transport of nearly any kind of shipment very quickly.

Our hand carry agents will accompany the extremely urgent shipment as a passenger on board of a flight, never letting your item out of their sight.

Our couriers are highly reliable and flexible when it comes to speed logistics. In addition to stringent security and aptitude checks, we ensure that our couriers have the relevant language skills as well as visas and entry documents. This means that not a single second goes to waste on organizational hurdles and we can find instant solutions for your time critical freight.

Our Emergency solutions:

  • Spare parts delivery in the event of production downtime on an important piece of machinery
  • Preventing production loss due to production line stoppage
  • Time critical freight transport of medical samples
  • The fastest possible delivery of an AOG or ship spare part
  • Extremely urgent transport of urgent documents